(Picture of Dahlia by Isaac Madison)
I pray for strong financial supporters that I can rely on. Your contribution would allow me to pour into ministry more effectively.
My primary goal is to have committed supporters with recurring financial contributions (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.).
I'd also be grateful for one-time contributions, since there will be outgoing (moving to Japan) expenses and other special project expenses.
Praise the Lord! My monthly financial goal was met in November of 2023, just before my move to Japan!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
There are two ways that you can give:
1) online giving, or 2) by sending a check to Faith Global Missions Agency.
1. Giving Online*
Please visit and click on the top right button, “Support.”
You will see a “Give Now” button, showing “One-time” tab and “Recurring” tab. For both options, you will check on our name. For "one-time" donations, you can skip the next step.
To set up "recurring" donations, you will need to create your account with Faith Church.
Type in the amount, frequency, etc.
2. Giving by Sending in a Check*
Please write a check payable to Faith Global Missions, and put “Funada - regular" in the notes section.
Please send a check to: Faith Global Missions - 5526 State Road 26 E, Lafayette, IN 47905.
*Once you have set up your giving, I would appreciate it if you could let me know by either calling/texting my cell @ 310-756-5925 or by emailing me @ (if you could include the amount and frequency of giving in our conversation, that would be helpful for me to count it toward my support level.)
How can you follow progress in our fund-raising journey?
The fund-raising journey is an exciting time for us as we know that it is perhaps one of the high times to see God’s hands in our calling. The fund-raising process is the fruit of all what God has done for us. He is going to do great things.
You can see the current level in:
Here in our website ( “Giving” page
My funding goal as well as departure goal is November of 2023. Please join me in prayer.
To secure funds, missionaries prayerfully seek partnership with churches, businesses, and individuals who are called to fund their mission. Typically, missionaries will present their vision and ask potential supporters to consider partnership. When the mission is funded and missionaries begin working in their fields, they will keep up with supporters through prayer letters and other means of communication. They will also visit the US every 3–4 years (or so) for furlough (reporting their work to supporters as well as visiting loved ones).
Missionaries' monthly support budget consists of personal living and ministry funds. The Apostle Paul taught that gospel workers can expect to receive funds to do the gospel ministry effectively: “So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel” (1 Cor 9:14). The harvest is ripe. I believe that it is God’s good plan that I go into ministry full-time so I can minister more effectively.