- Church Planting & Biblical Counseling & Music Ministry -
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Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19–20)
The Japanese people are the second largest unreached people group in the world.
The evangelical Christian population is less than 0.5% of the whole population.

I am a Japanese missionary to Japan, sent by Faith Church of Lafayette, Indiana. My wife, Erisa, was called to her eternal and glorious home to be with her Savior in February of 2023 through cancer (click here to read more about her cancer battle).
God has always been good and kind to me. God gave me Erisa—a wonderful wife, my awesome ministry partner, my best friend, and a wise mother to our sons. Though our loss is enormous, I know that she GAINED CHRIST in death (Philippians 1:20–23), and our earthly loss is just temporary. God has provided everything that I needed, and continues to sustain and strengthen me by His grace. My sons, Toshiki (5) and Subaru (2) are doing well also.
Oh, what comfort and joy we have in our eternal salvation in Christ and in the promises of God! Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! I just finished my support raising (Nov. 2023) and am moving to Japan on November 20, 2023. I will be serving at Bethel Baptist Church in Saitama, just 20 miles north of Tokyo.
My primary goals are strengthening and multiplying/planting the local churches.
For this, I will shepherd and disciple God's people and evangelize unbelievers through biblical counseling ministry, music and audio-visual ministry, teaching God's word through preaching, Sunday school, Bible studies, and more.
My Missionary Introduction Video
"Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy." Psalm 126:5
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Thank you so much for your support in different ways! God's love gets more tangible through your love. I'm excited to share with you the joy and tears of doing ministry in Japan for the eternal fruit to bear and reap!​
Ways to receive the latest news:
Quarterly (and urgent) Prayer Letter (subscribe here)
Facebook Page (Pray for Japan - Naoto Funada)
Email me @ naotofunada@gmail.com
To be my missionary partner by funding, please see my Giving Page.
Though our pain of losing Erisa on this earth is great, how God uses it for His glory will be greater. So, my prayer is that God will use our painful experience and reach out to the hopeless Japanese people to bring them eternal and sure hope!
Thank you for your love for our family and your engagement in this mission! I'd also love to receive your prayer requests & updates too. Life in Jesus Christ is too exciting to keep to ourselves!
Love in Christ,
Naoto Funada